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How does a fiber laser marking machine work?


Fiber laser marking machines are becoming increasingly popular across industries due to their high precision and efficiency. But how exactly do these machines work? In this article, SUNNA will take you deep into the inner workings of a fiber laser marking machine to understand the technology behind it.

1. What is fiber laser marking?

Fiber laser marking is a process that uses a high-powered laser beam to mark a variety of materials, including metals, plastics, ceramics, and more. Unlike traditional marking methods such as engraving or etching, fiber laser marking is non-contact, meaning that the laser beam does not physically contact the material being marked.

2. How does a fiber laser marking machine work?

Fiber laser marking machines produce laser beams through a process called stimulated emission of radiation. This involves exciting a gain medium, typically a fiber optic cable doped with a rare earth element such as ytterbium, with an external energy source. The excited atoms in the gain medium release photons, which are then amplified and focused into a high-intensity laser beam.

The laser beam is directed to the marking surface through a series of mirrors and lenses, where it interacts with the material to create the desired mark. The high energy of the laser beam causes local heating and vaporization of the material, resulting in a precise and clear permanent mark.

3. Advantages of fiber laser marking machines.

High precision: Fiber laser marking machines are able to create marks with high precision and accuracy, making them ideal for applications that require complex designs or small text.

Speed: Fiber laser marking machines operate at high speeds, allowing them to mark materials quickly and efficiently.

Versatility: Fiber laser marking machines can mark a variety of materials, including metals, plastics, ceramics, etc., making them suitable for a variety of industries.

Maintenance: Compared with other marking methods, fiber laser marking machines require minimal maintenance, resulting in reduced downtime and increased productivity.

Fiber laser marking machines are a versatile and efficient tool for creating permanent marks on a variety of materials, achieving more efficient and higher quality processing results. By understanding how these machines work, manufacturers can use the power of fiber laser technology to improve their marking processes and improve product quality. If you need a high-quality fiber laser marking machine, please consult SUNNA for a quote.

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